Pedal Harp Music - Shop
- Images - M. Tournier (Suite 2)
- £14.00
- Images - M. Tournier (Suites 3 & 4)
- £22.00
- Impromptu for Harp - R. Gliere
- £10.50
- Impromptu Op.28, No.3 - Hugo Reinhold
- £9.50
- Impromptu Op.86 - Gabriel Faure
- £12.00
- Impromptu Op.86 and Une Chatelaine en sa tour Op.110 - Gabriel Faure
- £26.95
- In the Garden - Gary Higginson
- £5.50
- Introduction et Rondo alla Polacca - Pratte (1796 -1875)
- £12.00
- Introduction Et Variations sur des airs de "La Norma" de Bellini Opus.36 - Parish-Alvars
- £15.50
- Italian Concerto BWV 971 by J.S. Bach
- £8.50
- Italian Concerto BWV971 - J.S.Bach Edited by Catrin Finch
- £13.50
- Jazz Band - M. Tournier
- £11.00
- Jeux d'eau (Trois Morceaux pour Harpe Seule) - Carols Salzedo
- £13.50
- Journeys Op.80 - Geoffrey Winters
- £16.00
- Jukebox - Andy Scott
- £15.00
- Klangblumen - Musical Flowers - Heller
- £12.00
- Knocking - Anna Appleby
- £10.00
- L'Egyptienne - Jean-Philippe Rameau
- £10.00
- La Boite a Musique - Louise Charpentier
- £10.00
- La Danse Des Sylphes - F. Godefroid
- £10.50
- La Fille Aux Cheveux De Lin - Claude Debussy
- £10.00
- La Harpe Eolienne - Godefroid
- £8.00
- La Source - A. Hasselmans
- £11.00
- La Source - Albert Zabel
- £7.00
- La Source Op.23 - Albert Zabel
- £14.00
- Lachrymae - Osian Ellis
- £8.50
- Lamento Pour Harpe - Bernard Andres
- £12.00
- Latin American Harps History, Music and Techniques for Pedal & Non Pedal Harps - Alfredo Ortiz
- £19.00
- Le Bon Petit Roi D'Yvetot - Marcel Grandjany
- £5.00
- Le Jardin Mouillé - Jacques de la Presle
- £15.50
- Le Rossignol - Franz Liszt
- £12.00
- Le Soir - John Thomas
- £7.00
- Legende - Henriette Renie
- £16.00
- Les Ilets - B. Andres
- £12.00
- Lettre d'amour - Megan Metheney (Digital Download)
- £6.00
- Libertango - A. Piazzolla
- £10.00
- Lizards - Paul Patterson
- £12.95
- Lucky Charms: 12 Imaginative Pieces for harp with no Lever or Pedal Changes - Melanie Spanswick
- £12.00
- Lucky Charms: 9 Imaginative Harp Pieces for New Pedallers - Melanie Spanswick
- £12.00
- LULLABIES for the LAND - Eleanor Turner
- £26.00
- LULLABIES for the LAND - Eleanor Turner - (PDF DOWNLOAD)
- £20.00
- Marescotti - Mouvement Pour Harpe
- £12.00
- Marguerite au Rouet Op.19 - Albert Zabel
- £10.00
- Marguerite Douleureuse Au Rouet (No.2, Op.26) - A. Zabel
- £10.00
- Merceditas - Deborah Henson-Conant
- £14.00
- Method for the Harp - Lucile Lawrence and Carols Salzedo
- £23.00
- Moonlight Sonata - L.V. Beethoven
- £12.60
- Morning Interludes - Eira Lynn Jones
- £8.00
- Mosaïque Musicale Opus 26 - Pratté (1796-1875)
- £12.00
- Mother Goose: Five Children’s Pieces (Ma Mere I’Oye: Cinq pieces enfantines) - Ravel
- £21.50